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The Truth For Breakfast

The moment your alarm goes off in the morning, you start making decisions. The first one will be to actually turn the alarm off, remove yourself from your bed and plant your feet on the floor to start your day. We've caught up with Antoinene "Nene" Fullard, the master mind behind the Truth Be Told Brand, and the first thing she does in the morning is pray and check emails. When asked what challenges helped made her brand stronger, her answer was very interesting. Read More...

Tell us more about the brand? i.e Does your name have a special meaning?

Truth Be Told Management, LLC is an Entertainment Company/ Label, which started out as just a management company for talented individuals in my hometown Philadelphia, Pa. We are switching the name soon, so we’re not looked at as just a management company being as though we do so much more in our industry than just managing talent. The company was formed to work with talented individuals that I saw something in and who had a true story behind their work. “Truth Be Told” the name means just that! The artist that we work with are giving you their raw truth through their music, talent, or artistry embracing their authentic selves. We now work with artist all over the world, including Atlanta, California, Austria, and Finland.

What is your favorite meal to eat for breakfast?

Mixed fruit bowl, oatmeal, egg whites with vegetarian sausage links by Morningstar. "I grew up eating vegetarian foods, although I am not a vegetarian" lol

What are 3 ways to visually brand yourself (or business) on social media?

Good Content, Displaying what you do through your content and being consistent with good-content!

What is your secret weapon to building a strong brand?

Vision! And sticking with your vision, but most importantly building a strong team. You’re only as strong as your team. "Cliche but very true!"

What challenges have you been through that made the brand stronger?

A lot of disloyalty with artists, and even business partners. It's been a lot of situations I've brought to the table and they would try to cut me out of deals. An although let downs isn’t a surprise in this industry, one thing that I must say that helped strengthen the brand is getting my business in order.

You must have your business straight! In this industry they want you to come in and take a back seat but that's not our approach. You can come in to this industry or any industry and be a new fresh asset.

Truth Be Told Studio Session

{Truth Be Told Recording Artist RayMoon}

What is 1 special thing you think every business/entrepreneur should know about branding?

One thing that I think every business/ entrepreneur should know about branding is that it is a very important KEY component to how your business will be viewed.

What cool things can we look forward to in the future 2019?

You can look forward to seeing the company and hearing our artist on mainstream outlets in the future 2019.

Stay Connected:

Learn more about Truth Be Told at

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